Friday, August 15, 2008

Ramadhan with Nokia

One of strategy to keep costumer loyal is by giving them what they want, even when they don't realize it.

Recently, Nokia has launched application related to fast month or Ramadhan month, which is very sacred for moslems. The application contain many informartion related to fasting it self, plus infos connecting to Islam and moslem, like pray time, Al Quran, guide to Hajj and Umroh, etc.

I believe many users of Nokia phone don't ever think to have those information in their own phone. But with what Nokia had done, moslem become aware that they could give their Nokia phone more value added especially from religion perspective.

It would be cool tobe able to access any information about Islam through our own cell phone, or reading Al Quran wherever we are, and even for those with Nokia Map support Phone, many mosques could be located in several area like Arab Saudi or Jordan, and Pakistan, even Marocco.

I think Nokia has done a good job to serve this application, since the consumers of Nokia phone will have more fanatic feeling to their phone since they feel that Nokia pay attention to what they need.

More information about Nokia Ramadhan application could be accessed here
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

GPS in Mobile Phones

Like we could see these days, there is one new feature become popular installed in mobile phones. The feature mostly doesn't need additional cost in using so make it become popular in relatively short time.

It's GPS. According to here, GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is a radio navigation system that allows land, sea, and airborne users to determine their exact location, velocity, and time 24 hours a day, in all weather conditions, anywhere in the world. The capabilities of today’s system render other well-known navigation and positioning “technologies”—namely the magnetic compass, the sextant, the chronometer, and radio-based devices—impractical and obsolete. GPS is used to support a broad range of military, commercial, and consumer applications.

in simpe word, GPS is tool to find out where we are. The location served through display with coordinate. For end user, it is important to installed map data in GPS tool to help making orientation. Basically position information given by GPS is in coordinate, so if you are not familiar with this term, the map will help you with it.

Many vendor like Nokia is equipped their mobile phone with GPS built in, including map data. What's in the map? The map here shows road complete with name information, also there is POI (point of Interest) describes ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), Fuel Station, Restaurant, etc. These object is useful when we are looking for nearest ATM--example-- from our current location, and thanks to GPS, it will help us to find it.

In my country with very large and wide area, Nokia doesn't give complete map area. The map given is only for major cities which is understable because most users of mobile phone live in cities. But it will become alittle problem when users going out from city. The use of GPS will abate due to the unavailable map covered.

But hopefully, this condition will be decrease more and more in the future, along with the increase of GPS phone demand and the popularity of GPS it self not just in the city comunnity, but in village as well.
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